
Tiedotuskeskus Hanhikiven toiminnan tarkoitus ja periaatteet, Principles and aims of Information Center Hanhikivi

April 10, 2021

Principles and aims of Information Center Hanhikivi in english below

Talon säännöt alinpana englanniksi

House rules in english below


Tiedotuskeskus Hanhikivi tuo esille kriittistä tietoa ydinvoimasta ja energian tuotannosta. Tiedotuskeskus Hanhikivi tarjoaa tilan, jossa ihmiset voivat kohdata, keskustella ja toimia aktiivisesti. Tilaa käytetään myös taiteen ja tutkimuksen tekemiseen residenssin tapaisesti. Kohtaamispaikka sijaitsee Pyhäjoen Kalifornian alueella noin kilometri kunnan keskustasta, osoitteessa Lahnaojantie 18. Tiedotuskeskuksen toiminnan organisointi on osuuskunnan pääasiallista toimintaa.

Tiedotuskeskus Hanhikivi tarjoaa puitteet poikkitieteelliselle ja -taiteelliselle toiminnalle sekä tutkimukselle liittyen luontosuhteeseen, sen rakentumiseen, informaatioon ja ihmisten vuorovaikutukseen aiheen ympärillä. Talossa tehdään tutkimusta ympäristöä voimakkaasti muokkaavien ja/tai laajaa keskustelua herättävien hankkeiden yhteydessä, selvittäen minkälaisia seurauksia hanke on aiheuttanut paikkakunnalle ja miten se jatkossa vaikuttaa luoden näin pohjaa jatkotutkimukselle ja aiheeseen liittyvälle dokumentoinnille ja historiankirjoitukselle. Toiminta keskittyy erityisesti ajankohtaisiin hankkeisiin, kuten Pyhäjoen ydinvoimalahankkeeseen sekä uraanin käyttöön polttoaineena. Tiedotuskeskus tekee yhteistyötä tavoitteisiin sopivien projektien, tutkimuskeskusten, yksittäisten taiteilijoiden ja tutkijoiden kanssa. Toiminnassa luodaan uusia keskustelukäytäntöjä, kannustetaan ihmisiä aktiiviseen tiedon tuottamiseen (kansalaisjournalismi, kansalaistutkimus, keskustelutilaisuudet) ja rohkaistaan ihmisiä aktiivisesti puolustamaan luontoa ja vastustamaan tuhoisia energiantuotantomuotoja. Toiminnassa opitaan ja opetetaan samalla kestävää elämäntapaa.


– tuemme ihmisiä ja ryhmiä, jotka tekevät ydinvoiman vastaista toimintaa, ja jotka hyväksyvät Tiedotuskeskus Hanhikiven tavoitteet ja periaatteet tarjoamalla heille työskentelypuitteet

– työmme on poikkitieteellistä ja –taiteellista

– järjestämme kursseja, luentoja, näyttelyitä ja avoimien ovien tapahtumia

– toteutamme luovia projekteja huumoria unohtamatta

– pyrimme tekemään yhteistyötä vastaavien projektien kanssa Suomessa ja ulkomailla


– matalan kynnyksen tila, missä ihmisillä tulisi olla tervetullut ja turvallinen olo

– toimintamme on väkivallatonta ja rauhanomaista kunnioittaen luonnon monimuotoisuutta ja ihmisarvoja - toiminnassamme noudatamme siis lakia, huolehdimme siisteydestä ja käyttäydymme ystävällisesti

– naapurisopu on meille tärkeää

– Tiedotuskeskus on päihteetön tila

– emme hyväksy minkäänlaista syrjintää tai alistavaa käytöstä esim. etnisyyteen, ikään, uskontoon, sukupuoleen tai seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen perustuen

– talolle tullessasi lue aina tarkemmin talon yhteisesti sovitut säännöt


This paper can be regularly checked in meetings of Noidanlukko co-operative. Information Center Hanhikivi offers facilities for multidisciplinary research and practice in arts and sciences. It is focusing on the human-nature relation, how it is built and on information and interaction around the topic. In the Information Center large scale projects that change the environment significantly, their environmental impact and impact on societies are in the center of our interest. We follow the impacts on the area and create basis for further research, documentation and history writing. Especially the Pyhäjoki nuclear power plant project and the uranium lifecycle are focused on. The center is in co-operation with projects, research centers, individual artists and scholars. The work began in 2018 and continues until late autumn 2021.

AIMS of the Information Center Hanhikivi:

-To bring up critical information about nuclear power and energy production in general

-to create a space where people can meet and discuss about nuclear power, energy and other concerns related to these issues

-to create new forms of discussion

-to offer artists and scientists a platform and facilities for work-to create possibilities for citizens to be active producers of information

-to learn and teach sustainable way of living-to encourage people to become active in resisting destructive energy production

ACTIVITIES at the Information Center Hanhikivi:

-We are supporting people and groups which are doing anti-nuclear work, and which accept the aims and principles of information centre Hanhikivi by giving facilities for them.

-Our work is interdisciplinary and artistic and we support professional artists and scientists

-we are doing research related to projects that are strongly changing the environment

-we can do research related to the social impact of massive projects, such as nuclear power building

-we organize courses, lessons, exhibitions and open discussions

-we implement creative projects with humour

-we offer space to work for people to implement projects such as mentioned above

-we aim to cooperate with similar projects in Finland and abroad

OUR PRINCIPLES in the Information Center Hanhikivi

-This is an open space, where people should feel welcome and safe. Please, keep it clean and behave nicely!

-Our action is non-violent, peaceful, respecting diversity in nature and respecting human dignity. In our work we also follow the law.

-Good relations with neigbours are important for us

-The house is alcohol and drug free place.

-Any discrimination against ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, religion will not be tolerated.

-In the house, all kind avoidance of oppression is important: it also involves the word choice in meetings and in public places

-We all have in subconscious way made the dominance of this kind of behavior normal; let us work together to stop this development, by accepting critique and noticing people who express their concern to delete all kind of submission and oppression. Today it is impossible not to notice how patriarchal model of action effects our reactions, our everyday lives and our political conduct: men talk more often in meetings, women’s talk is more often interrupted and tasks are divided according to gender, those tasks that are traditionally masculine are seen as “more important” etc. We need to pay attention to these facts in order to change our behavior.


It is important, that everyone follows the common principles while staying in Information Center Hanhikivi. The purpose of this leaflet is to inform on some principal notes for people visiting the place.

Welcome in the Information Center –when you arrive:

-everyone who stays in the house is always welcomed in the house and taken around and shown these principles. If you read this and you have some questions, please contact the house watch

-you are very welcome to take part in the idea wall –with your vision, hope, dream or dystopia; poem, picture. You may reflect other ideas or have something completely out of the box.

-put the heating on at 19 degrees and turn the main water tap on from the shower room, if needed

-there is a booklet in the house on how to heat the sauna, how to use the shutters of the sauna and oven, kitchen and livingroom: please be aware of safety at all times

-be very careful with the keys and do not leave doors open when you leave the house


The kitchen is not one person’s responsibility (or domain) but everyone must take part. The arrangements of cooking for a couple or tens of people is not an easy task. The food supplies must be checked so that there is enough food and if something is needed, a trip to shop, local farm of dumpster diving is arranged. The cash money can be found in the house with specific instructions how to act with money and receipts.Contact house watch if you have questions. Dumpster diving has to be done somewhere else than in local store to avoid rumors but we could write to owners to develop a system for waste food.


The meals are mainly vegan and prepared together. People can also bring and eat animal products in the house. The general rule is to prepare as little meat as possible. If you wish to prepare meat, please ask the people staying in the house at that moment to check how sensitive they are to meat meals. We must remember that people have different relation to food. There are vegans, vegetarians, fregans and even those who hunt sometimes. Whatever our own views are, we must make everyone feel at home.


Everyone takes their own dishes to the kitchen. Dishwashing and household chores are to be sorted out daily, and if there is more people in the house, more than one takes care of the dishes. Do not leave dirty dishes around the house; glasses, bottles or plates. Flies and other insects love them, but not the people living in the house.

Other house chores that people may take part in –ask more from house watch:

-small renovation work -warming the house and firewood -compost, recycling and creative work from waste -growing food, plants and gathering -documentation work and current group/project work

Cleaning and hygiene

Everyone cleans their own mess after workshops, lectures, meals, sauna, shower etc. We take care of very careful hand hygiene, and the updated cleaning and hygiene. This is how you stop pandemias and consider people who have more sensitive stomachs. Recycling is important. Follow recycling instructions. The waste collection truck comes quite rarely. Leave outdoor shoes in the hallway or by front door. Take care of your own clothes and things, don’t leave them around the house.


To avoid using water, use the dry toilet outside in the yard building. Instructions will be on the wall.


Please make sure people have the peace for sleeping. We try to keep a peaceful sleeping room behind the kitchen.You can put up a tent in the yard but please be considerate to neighbors and see that the pathways are not blocked and check that the garden is not disturbed or destroyed.

Parties, no intoxicants, silence

It is nice to arrange parties when people gather together but we must respect neighbors, not to disturb them. There may also work researchers or other people working seriously that need peace for work. No loud music at late hours, so remember silence. The house is alcohol and drug free.

Sauna and shower

The house has a sauna, that is heated by a wood-burning stove. When you heat the sauna, make sure several people are going to use it, no heating for one person only. Make sure there are enough wood. If needed, chop more firewood. There is a shower in the house. needed, chop more firewood. There is a shower in the house. Avoid showering too long and you do not need a shower every day. Water is expensive and valuable.


The house is non-smoking area. You can smoke only outside and remember to collect stumps in the pot that is reserved for it.

Voluntary payment and money boxes

The food payment is voluntary, but estimate is 5 euros per day to cover food supplies. You can donate more if you want, depending also on your financial situation. We need money for the general expenses of the house. One box is for general expenses box and another for projects that vary.

Photographing and journalists

Reporters, who come for interviews, must remember to call in advance in our media number: A simple rule in photographing: you cannot take a picture of faces or clothing that draws attention. Journalists and people who come to the house must always ask for permission before they come to a space that have people in it. It is very unpleasant, if people walk around with cameras when others are relaxing. The same goes with when you take photos of your friends; ask permission and tell why you want to take the photo, and no faces or pictures of clothing that draws attention.

Our neighbour

It is vital for our functioning, that we have friendly relations with the neighbours and local residents. This involves also political action. We have to respect everyone living around us and their habits and hopes. It is not only politeness, but many kinds of people may show interest in our activities. Respectfulness involves taking dogs out, parking cars, loud music etc

Dogs and animals

Everyday life depends on how many people there are present. Bringing dogs and other animals depends on the behavior of the animal. We do not want trouble with the neighbours or any animal biting another one.


In order to keep the meeting fluent and to make everyone feel they can freely express themselves and give their opinion we follow basic principles: -it is important to keep atmosphere good-willing, listen to what is said, respect the form of the conversation –such as who gets the turn to speak and how often (especially noticing the gender distribution). In house meetings of the Information Center Hanhikivi the value of what someone says has as big weigh and the turn to speak is asked with commonly agreed gestures. We want to avoid too many minutes and remain the freedom in our conversation but it is good to remember a couple of rules: the turns are given by the facilitator to everyone in the circle regarding a specific issue and the turn is asked with a gesture.